



嘿,技术爱好者和应用开发者们!🤖📱 准备好通过苹果最新的引人注目的更新来深入了解数据世界。随着欧盟为遵守数字市场法案而进行的应用生态系统变化,苹果已经准备好为全球的开发者们提供新的分析功能 🚀,这些功能将为他们提供有价值的应用性能见解。

apple developer banner

现在可以通过 App Store Connect API 获取50多种报告,旨在为开发者提供对其应用的全方位视图。苹果引入了‌应用商店分析‌、iOS分析和CloudKit分析,打造了数百个新指标的宝库,等待着被探索。 💡

推出颠覆性报告! 📊


应用商店参与度: 🎯

苹果正在额外努力,为开发者提供关于用户在‌应用商店‌上互动的额外见解。现在您可以跟踪不仅下载您的应用的用户数量,还可以跟踪积极参与并与他人分享的用户数量。这些新的知识将帮助您微调营销工作并增强用户满意度。 🤝

应用商店商务: 💰

作为应用开发者,在下载量、销售额、预购和通过应用内购买系统进行的交易方面表现如何至关重要。苹果为您提供更加详细的信息,帮助您了解应用的货币化方式。 💸

应用使用: 🕹️

崩溃、活跃设备、安装、应用删除等等!苹果现在为开发者提供更深入的见解,这些见解涉及到这些关键应用使用统计数据。有了这些丰富的信息,您可以确定痛点、优化用户体验,最终打造更好的应用。对猜测游戏说再见! 📈

框架使用: 🧰

您不仅可以深入了解应用的性能,还可以获得有关应用的功能如何与各种iOS框架交互的宝贵数据,比如小部件、CarPlay和照片选择器。这让您可以微调这些功能,并确保它们为用户提供最佳体验。 💡

性能: ⚡

没人喜欢慢慢和繁琐的应用。通过苹果的新分析,您可以获取有关应用性能和用户如何与特定功能互动的见解。这些信息是改进应用性能、增强用户参与度并让他们沉迷于您的创作的关键。 🚀

CloudKit控制台的激动人心的新添功能! ☁️

但等一下,还有更多!CloudKit控制台还将通过有关苹果推送通知和文件提供程序的新数据进行升级。当涉及到为开发者提供全面的分析工具包时,苹果绝不遗漏任何细节。 🎁

您的隐私是苹果的首要任务! 🔒


接下来呢? 🚀

苹果承诺很快将公布有关这些令人兴奋的新分析报告的更多信息,敬请关注! 🎉 通过此次更新,苹果再次在应用开发领域树立了新的标准,帮助开发者构建更好的应用,并创造难忘的用户体验。



Q&A Time! 🤔📚

  1. Q: How can I access the new analytics reports from Apple?

    A: The new analytics reports are available through the App Store Connect API. Developers can leverage these reports to gain deeper insights into their app’s performance and user engagement.

  2. Q: Are these reports available only to developers in the European Union or worldwide?

    A: These new analytics reports are available worldwide. Developers from all corners of the globe can now tap into the power of data and gain valuable insights into their app’s performance.

  3. Q: Can I integrate these analytics features into my existing app?

    A: Absolutely! These new analytics features can be seamlessly integrated into existing apps. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, leveraging these insights will undoubtedly help you create even better and more successful apps.

  4. Q: Is there any cost associated with accessing these analytics reports?

    A: Accessing these analytics reports is free of cost. Apple is committed to empowering developers and providing them with essential tools to succeed.

The Future of App Development: Brighter Than Ever! 🔮

This recent update from Apple signifies a significant step forward for the app development community. By giving developers access to rich analytics reports, Apple is equipping them with the knowledge and data necessary to build top-notch apps that users will love. The future of app development looks brighter than ever! 🌟

To dig deeper into the world of app analytics, check out these handy resources:

  • Link 1 – Official information on the App Store Connect API.
  • Link 2 – Find out more about the new reports Apple announced earlier and how they can benefit developers.
  • Link 3 – A fascinating article on how widgets can enhance your app’s interaction with users.
  • Link 4 – Discover how CarPlay can revolutionize your app’s user experience.
  • Link 5 – Additional relevant resource.

So what are you waiting for? 🚀 Unlock the power of analytics, fine-tune your apps, and create an unforgettable user experience. Let your creativity soar, and don’t forget to share your success stories with us! Together, we can reshape the world, one app at a time. 💪

Don’t hesitate to share this article with your fellow developers and tech enthusiasts. Spread the knowledge and join the conversation on social media. 📢💻✨
