苹果正准备着在 Vision Pro | ENBLE 之后推出下一个重大版本

苹果的Vision Pro已经产生了重大影响,但未来还有什么?公司脑海中有多个想法,可以解决目前产品存在的各种问题


The Vision Pro: Apple’s Next Big Thing or Something Even Bigger?

A person wearing the Apple Vision Pro demo unit in an Apple Store.

The Vision Pro headset is Apple’s most significant new product in years, and it is widely seen as the company’s “next big thing.” But Apple isn’t resting on its laurels, as a new report has highlighted the products that the company hopes will shake up the market in similarly momentous ways. And no, we’re not talking about a second-generation Vision Pro.

The Vision Pro Alternative

Among the devices Apple is secretly working on are a set of smart glasses, a health and fitness ring, and even a pair of souped-up AirPods with cameras and advanced sensors. All of these products are designed to capture customer attention and help Apple turn the ship around after a disappointing year of declining sales.

We know all this thanks to the latest Power On newsletter from Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman, who is considered to have strong sources inside Apple and its supply chain. But while the newsletter outlines a few ideas Apple has up its sleeve, we probably shouldn’t expect to see them any time soon.

The Lighter Alternative

The Vision Pro is undoubtedly an incredibly high-quality device that is far more capable than anything that rivals like Meta and HTC can put together. But it has received its fair share of criticisms, ranging from its price to its bulky frame and weight. That has apparently gotten Apple thinking about a lighter alternative that could address some of those drawbacks.

According to Gurman, this would take the form of a pair of smart glasses imbued with much of the high-tech wizardry you’ll find in the Vision Pro. That might include using artificial intelligence (AI) and cameras to identify real-world objects for you, built-in audio that wouldn’t require AirPods, and augmented reality overlays that provide data and graphics on top of the real world.

Gurman cautions that “true augmented reality spectacles” of the type Apple dreams of building are still “several years away,” but that the glasses Apple is currently tinkering with are a “stepping stone” towards that future reality.

But that doesn’t mean these ‘intermediate’ specs will be mediocre. Gurman points out that companies like Meta have launched their own smart glasses that have found a degree of success. Apple’s glasses could also give users a cheaper, more comfortable way into the world of augmented reality without requiring them to go all-out and get a pricey Vision Pro.

Who Needs an Apple Watch?

What about the smart ring? Gurman says this will primarily be used to measure health data, much in the same way the Apple Watch can be used to track your workouts. Its small, unobtrusive size could make it more comfortable to wear during exercise, too.

Compared to the Apple Watch, Gurman says the smart ring could have a number of advantages: it would be a lot cheaper, it wouldn’t prevent people from wearing a traditional wristwatch, and it could last longer than a Watch because it wouldn’t have a battery-draining screen attached to it. That could make it a good way to attract users who like the idea of an Apple Watch but feel it has too many drawbacks to actually buy one.

Interestingly, patents have shown that Apple is considering a far wider range of uses for a smart ring than just tracking your health and fitness. The company has explored how the device could control a Mac or an Apple TV, interact with smart glasses, control Vision Pro games, and more. If Apple decides to launch this device, it could have a wide range of interesting uses.

And Gurman revealed that Apple is also considering a curious upgrade for the AirPods: outfitting them with low-resolution cameras, as well as “more advanced AI and sensors.” The purpose of these add-ons would be to take in your surroundings and “capture data that would be processed via AI and assist people in their daily routines.” We don’t know for sure, but we imagine that could include hazard warnings or dynamic audio adjustments based on your environment. That sounds much more useful than the “AirPods plus cameras” idea initially appears.

The Next Big Thing

These products all seem intriguing, but when will we actually see them? Unfortunately, we’ve probably still got quite a wait ahead of us.


格尔曼表示,智能戒指并没有在积极开发中。不过,他补充说“在苹果园区内肯定有人在推动这一概念。” 正如先前提到的,我们知道苹果定期申请智能戒指的专利。鉴于Oura戒指的成功以及三星即将进入市场,苹果可能在未来几个月和年份开始更加认真地看待智能戒指概念。

至于智能眼镜,格尔曼说这些“正在苹果的硬件工程部门进行的探索性阶段被称为‘技术调查’。” 他没有提供推出日期的大概估计,很可能这些眼镜、戒指或者修改后的AirPods都不会推出。

但格尔曼确实表明了一件事:苹果正在“面临着越来越大的压力要让某些事情奏效。” 销售下降,关于Vision Pro价格和重量的担忧越来越多,因此苹果正在尝试推出价格更低的设备,以激起公众的兴趣。其中任何一个会成为苹果的“下一个大事件”吗?让我们拭目以待。





答:是的,根据苹果提交的专利,智能戒指可能有多种用途,超越健康和健身跟踪。它可能控制其他设备,如Mac和Apple TV,与智能眼镜互动,甚至在Vision Pro上控制游戏。苹果的智能戒指有成为多功能配件的潜力。






答:随着销售额下降和对Vision Pro头戴式耳机价格和重量的担忧,苹果正在寻找能激发市场并恢复动力的新产品。这些新设备,如智能眼镜、智能戒指和修改后的AirPods,通过其价格实惠、舒适和创新功能,有潜力吸引更广泛的受众。苹果正承受着找到他们的“下一个大事件”的压力,而这些产品可能会是答案。

