微軟 Copilot:您必須嘗試的 AI 聊天機器人!🚀



Guide on using Microsoft’s ChatGPT, called Copilot.

Microsoft Copilot comes to Bing and Edge. © Microsoft

Are you tired of searching the web for answers to your burning questions? Look no further! Microsoft Copilot is here to save the day! 🦸‍♀️ This incredible AI chatbot, created by Microsoft and formerly known as Bing Chat, is your new best friend when it comes to generating informative and insightful responses. Whether you need assistance with research or want to spice up your conversations, Copilot has got your back! 😎

💻 How to Get Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Edge browser showing Bing Chat on an iPhone. © Alan Truly / ENBLE

Getting your hands on Microsoft Copilot is a piece of cake! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a free Microsoft account at account.microsoft.com.
  2. For Windows 11 users, Copilot is already built into the operating system.
  3. To access Copilot on your phone or tablet, download the official Microsoft Copilot app for iOS or Android.
  4. You can also use Copilot through the Microsoft Edge and Bing apps on your mobile device.

💡 Quick Tip:

Upgrade your Copilot experience by signing up for Microsoft Copilot Pro at $20 per month or Copilot for Microsoft 365 at $30 per month. These plans offer advanced search results, integration with Microsoft 365 platforms like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as enterprise-grade data protection and system customizations.

💡 How to Use Microsoft Copilot on Your Phone

The three conversation styles available in Bing Chat. © Image used with permission by copyright holder

Microsoft Copilot is designed to be user-friendly across all devices, including smartphones and tablets. Here’s how you can make the most of Copilot on your mobile:

  1. Download the Microsoft Copilot app for iOS or Android.
  2. Access Copilot through the Microsoft Edge and Bing apps on your mobile device.

It’s that simple! With Copilot at your fingertips, you’ll never have to leave your burning questions unanswered.

🤔 Is Microsoft Copilot the Same as ChatGPT?

Microsoft Copilot may have caught your attention if you’re familiar with AI chatbots. But how does it compare to its competitors, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT? Let’s dive into the details:

  • Microsoft Copilot is not the same as ChatGPT. It’s a next-generation OpenAI language model developed specifically for integration with Bing search.
  • Copilot, also known as Bing Chat, operates on the Prometheus model and delivers lightning-fast results. It surpasses the capabilities of GPT-3.5 and is designed to provide up-to-date information while ensuring the safety of Bing’s vast user base.
  • While ChatGPT Plus offers an exceptional experience, Microsoft Copilot takes the chatbot game to new heights with its advanced features and performance.


🌟 其他 AI 选项

The Google Gemini main menu. © Google

AI 聊天机器人领域广阔且充满令人振奋的选择。以下是一些值得探索的替代方案:

  • Google Gemini:Google 自家的 AI 工具 Gemini 随着时间的推移得到了显著改进,为用户提供了增强的性能和搜索功能。
  • Jasper AI:定制用于商业用途,Jasper AI 提供了类似 ChatGPT 的体验,无需等待列表。这家 OpenAI 合作伙伴专为满足企业的特定需求而量身定制。

AI 强力搜索的崛起只是个开始!令人兴奋的发展即将到来,我们迫不及待地期待见证未来会带来什么。谁知道呢?也许很快会有谷歌的竞争对手登台!

🎨 发挥创造力,与 Designer(原名 Bing 图片创建者)一起

Microsoft Designer 用户界面的截图。 © Microsoft

但是,等一下,还有更多!在更大的 Copilot 体验中包含了微软的 AI 图片生成器——Designer。以下是 Designer 会让您倍感灵感涌现的原因:

  • Designer 赋予您轻松创建、编辑、保存和分享 AI 生成图像的能力。
  • 通过Android 应用或在线访问 Designer。
  • 自由版的 Designer 每天可使用 15 次图像增强,而 Copilot Pro 方案(月费 20 美元)则额外提供 75 次增强,助您快速将创意想法实现。
  • 图像增强确保更快的图像生成速度,帮助您迅速将创意构想变为现实。

释放您的想象力,让 Designer 将您的思维转变为令人惊叹的视觉效果!

💡 问答时间:回答您迫切的问题!

问:我是否可以在没有微软账户的情况下使用 Copilot? 答:不行,您需要拥有免费的微软账户才能访问 Copilot。别担心,这是一个快速且简单的过程!

问:Copilot 的回复有多准确? 答:Copilot 利用庞大的语言模型以自然、类似人类的语言提供响应。虽然令人称奇,但您仍应在必要时运用批判性思维并验证信息。

问:Copilot 是否存在隐私问题? 答:微软重视用户隐私,并提供针对不同需求和数据保护要求的各种方案。请放心,微软已采取必要措施保护您的信息。

问:我可以将 Copilot 集成到 Microsoft Teams 吗? 答:绝对可以!通过注册 Copilot for Microsoft 365 方案(月费 30 美元),您可以享受 Microsoft Teams 的兼容性、系统定制和企业级数据保护。

微软 Copilot 及其竞争对手,如 ChatGPT 和 Gemini 的推出,证明了 AI 强力搜索是未来的发展方向。随着这些技术的不断演进,我们可以期待与信息互动方式的更大进步。谁知道呢?也许我们即将见证不久的将来出现的开创性创新!

那么,您还在等什么呢?拥抱 Microsoft Copilot 的力量,探索全新的可能性!分享您的体验,让世界了解这个 AI 宝石!🌟

📚 参考列表:1. ChatGPT 数据泄露补丁:问题已完全解决! 2. Microsoft Teams 问题:常见问题和解决方案 3. 如何在 Windows 11 中删除微软账户 4. 如何将 Windows 11 降级至 Windows 10 5. GPTZero:如何使用 ChatGPT 检测工具 6. ChatGPT Plus 是什么?在订阅前需了解的内容 7. 使 ChatGPT 变得更强大的最佳自定义 GPTs 8. 边缘计算和 5G 正在如何改变医疗保健的3种创新方式 9. 微软 X 支持有争议的儿童在线安全法案 KOSA 10. Niremia Collective 集资 2.25 亿美元,专注于福祉技术 11. 研究人员解锁了 ChatGPT-4 的力量 12. AI 周报:OpenAI 在高等教育中找到合作伙伴 13. 直接从 Google 搜索生成 AI 艺术品

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