🗺️ 谷歌地图让导航更安全,延长电池寿命!

解鎖您的手機?不需要!通過這項新功能,在Google地圖上查看您的下一個轉向 - 下面是如何啟用它


Google Maps’ new ‘glanceable directions’ feature improves driving safety and reduces battery usage.


Are you tired of constantly unlocking your phone to check for directions on Google Maps? Well, worry no more! The latest update to Google Maps has a new feature that not only makes navigation safer but also helps conserve your phone’s battery life. 🚗⚡

Glanceable Directions on Your Lock Screen

Starting today, both Android and iOS users can access glanceable directions, updated estimated time of arrival (ETA), and the next turn right from their phone’s lock screen. This feature works for driving, walking, and cycling. 🚶‍♂️🚴‍♀️

Gone are the days of constantly checking your phone while driving or walking. With glanceable directions, you can keep your focus on the road, making navigation more distraction-free. This not only enhances safety but also reduces battery usage, as your screen won’t be on the whole time. 🔋💡

Unlocked Preview of Your Route

Glanceable directions in Google Maps will even track your driving progress in the route overview, even if you haven’t tapped the Start button for turn-by-turn navigation. For instance, if you use Maps to find a route to a destination but don’t require guidance along the way, you’ll still see a preview of your route. 🗺️👀

This new feature collects your navigation data to improve Maps for other drivers. However, this is not a new practice, as Google has been collecting data when you use traditional turn-by-turn navigation. So not only will you benefit from this feature, but you’ll also be contributing to the overall improvement of Google Maps. 🌐📈

Continual Improvements to Google Maps

Google Maps is already a favorite among users, but the company continues to impress by adding new features to enhance the overall experience. Just last year, Google introduced Immersive View, which provides interior views of buildings, a search with live view mode that overlays directions on a live view when you hold up your phone, and even features to help drivers locate electric charging stations. ⚡🏢

Furthermore, Google Maps will soon receive a generative AI boost, which will undoubtedly revolutionize navigation even further. The future of Google Maps looks bright and promising, with endless possibilities for travellers and drivers alike. 🌟🚀

How to Enable Glanceable Directions

Although the new feature will be turned off by default, you can easily turn it on by following these simple steps:

  1. Open the Google Maps app.
  2. Go to the settings menu.
  3. Navigate to the navigation settings.
  4. Locate the glanceable directions option and toggle it on.
  5. Voilà! Enjoy safer navigation and prolonged battery life. 💪🔋

And don’t worry, if you decide that you no longer need this feature, you can turn it off at any time.

💡 Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: How does glanceable directions make navigation safer?

A: Glanceable directions allow users to view essential information such as turn-by-turn instructions and the estimated time of arrival directly from their lock screen. This means that drivers don’t need to constantly unlock and interact with their phones while on the road, reducing distractions and promoting safer driving practices.

Q: Will using glanceable directions drain my phone’s battery?

A: On the contrary, using glanceable directions can actually help conserve your phone’s battery life. Since the screen isn’t continuously on during navigation, less power is consumed, resulting in increased battery efficiency.

Q: Can I use glanceable directions for cycling and walking as well?


A: Absolutely! Glanceable directions are available for driving, walking, and cycling, making it convenient for users to navigate through various modes of transportation.

Q: 如何使用我的导航数据来改进 Maps?

A: Google 会收集匿名导航数据,用于分析交通模式、识别需要更好地映射数据的区域,并为用户提供更准确的路线信息。通过参与此数据收集,您正在为全球数百万人持续改进 Google Maps。

🌍 导航的未来

随着技术的不断进步,我们可以期待导航工具和应用程序(如 Google 地图)的进一步增强。从增强现实叠加到人工智能推荐,可能性无限。很快,我们将能够更轻松、更高效地导航世界。所以系好安全带,准备好迎接一场激动人心的旅程吧!🚀✨

参考文献:- 最佳耐用手机:专家测试iPhone 上的绿点和橙点到底意味着什么?最佳跑步和骑行 Garmin 手表Telegram 推出一次性查看语音和视频消息Google 地图正在获得生成式人工智能的提升(本文尚未发布,但请关注 Google 地图的更多激动人心的更新!)

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