瑞沃安的“树屋”顶篷帐篷:一场电影般的冒险 🎥



Rivian’s new rooftop tent doubles as a movie theater with a projector! 🌳🎥 #ENBLE

Rivian, the innovative automaker known for its electric vehicles, has a delightful surprise up its sleeve that’s sure to make outdoor enthusiasts swoon. Enter the “treehouse” rooftop tent, an accessory packed with adventure and movie magic that will accompany Rivian’s upcoming R2 SUV and future R3 EVs. 🌳🏕️

📽️ Lights, Camera, Action – Movie Night On the Roof! 💫🍿

Imagine setting up camp in the great outdoors, the stars shining above, and a cozy tent awaiting your arrival. But wait, this is no ordinary tent. Rivian has gone above and beyond by equipping their treehouse tent with a built-in movie projector! 😮🎬

Brian Gase, Rivian’s senior director of prototype and special projects, shared during a recent customer event in Laguna Beach, California, that the tent’s movie projector runs on power sourced directly from the Rivian vehicle itself. Talk about portable entertainment! 🚗⚡

🏞️ The Treehouse: More Than Just a Tent

The treehouse, as Rivian fondly calls it, is not your typical camping shelter. Enclosed in a hardshell, it unfurls into a spacious rooftop tent that offers a blissful retreat amidst nature’s abundant beauty. On one side, a large window with a roll-down screen provides an uninterrupted view of the surroundings. This is where the movie magic happens! 🌌✨

In addition to the movie projector, the treehouse comes equipped with an interior fan and lighting, ensuring a comfortable and cozy experience for all occupants. Rivian has taken care to design a product that strikes the perfect balance between functionality and affordability. Gase emphasized that the focus is on maintaining high quality while keeping costs reasonable. After all, who wants to spend a fortune on a tent when you’re aiming for an accessible price range? 💰

Rivian R2 treehouse tent

🌲 Adventure Edition: Beyond The Treehouse Tent

Rivian’s treehouse tent is just one of the many adventure-focused accessories unveiled alongside their next-generation smaller, more affordable EVs. In their lineup, you can also expect a cargo box that mounts to the vehicle’s hitch, conveniently paired with a versatile travel kitchen. This kitchen-on-the-go comprises a water tank, cooler, and cookware set – everything you need to rustle up a delicious campfire feast! 🔥🍳

⚡ The R2, R3, and Beyond: Rivian’s Electrifying Future

During the event, Rivian founder and CEO RJ Scaringe introduced the highly anticipated R2, a five-seat, all-electric midsized SUV boasting a commendable range of over 300 miles and a base price of $45,000. But that’s not all – Rivian had some surprises in store. Scaringe also revealed the smaller R3, a compact hatchback-style EV with sporty vibes, alongside the R3x performance version. Although Rivian hasn’t provided specific production timelines for the R3 vehicles, it’s clear they have grand plans for the future. 🚙⚡

The R2, originally meant to be manufactured in Georgia, will now be produced at Rivian’s existing factory in Normal, Illinois. This strategic move is expected to save the company a whopping $2.25 billion. Production of the R2 is set to commence in the first half of 2024, bringing Rivian’s cutting-edge electric SUV to the masses. 🏭✨

🌐 What Lies Ahead: The Ever-Changing Landscape of Electric Vehicles

Rivian’s treehouse tent, combined with their range of adventure accessories and forward-thinking EVs, showcases the company’s innovative spirit and commitment to crafting unique experiences for their customers. As the world of electric vehicles continues to evolve, we can look forward to more groundbreaking inventions, exceptional road trips, and awe-inspiring camping escapades. The future is looking electrifying indeed! ⚡🔋


🌟 Q&A: 满足好奇心和解决顾虑

Q: 树屋帐篷除了Rivian的车辆外,还能与其他车辆一起使用吗? 绝对可以!虽然树屋帐篷是为了配合Rivian的SUV和电动车而设计的,但它可以轻松地适应其他具有类似动力源的车辆。因此,无论您使用何种载具,都可以在星空下享受电影之夜的快乐! 🌌🚗

Q: 帐篷的电影投影仪能在车辆供电下运行多久? 具体持续时间将取决于诸多因素,如车辆电池容量和功耗等。但请放心,Rivian已经设计了系统以优化能源效率,可提供数小时的连续电影享受。电影爱好者,欢呼吧! 🍿🎥

Q: 树屋帐篷完全展开时的尺寸是多少? 尽管确切的尺寸可能会有所不同,但Rivian设计的树屋帐篷提供了充足的空间,让人感到舒适和放松。帐篷完全展开时,其宽敞的内部可以舒适地容纳多名乘客,确保您在户外尽情享受舒适和愉悦的体验。 🌳🏕️

Q: Rivian将来会为他们的EV系列车型提供额外的配件吗? 绝对会!Rivian对冒険和创新的承诺保证了一系列令人兴奋的配件和升级,以增强整体所有权体验。从储存解决方案到越野装备,可能性无限。请密切关注Rivian未来的公告,以及时了解他们最新的产品! 🚀🔌

🌐 进一步阅读


  1. 保时捷的全电动Macan SUV:拥有381英里续航里程和621匹马力 – 探索SUV领域中另一个令人振奋的选择,重点介绍保时捷创新的Macan车型。

  2. Rivian之惊喜:R3掀背车可爱至极! – 深入探讨Rivian引人惊讶的R3和R3x掀背车型EV的发布,提供紧凑而运动的驾驶体验。

  3. 踏入电动冒险车辆的世界 – 深入探索电动冒险车辆领域,那里创新与探险相遇。

  4. Rivian官方网站 – 访问Rivian官方网站,探索他们的整个产品线,了解更多关于他们的理念,并发现他们最新的更新和产品。

  5. 电动车趋势:铺平通往可持续未来之路 – 深入了解电动车行业不断增长的趋势,以及它们在塑造更绿色未来方面产生的重大影响。

在科技、户外探险和电影魔法的交汇处,Rivian的树屋车顶帐篷为露营世界带来了全新的兴奋体验。所以,收拾好您的冒险精神,准备沉浸在大自然的奇迹中,同时在星空下享受电影的体验。别忘了在社交媒体上分享您与Rivian树屋帐篷的难忘时刻,将快乐传播开来! 🌲✨

图片:Rivian R2树屋帐篷 – ,Rivian R3X掀背车EV –
