测试了LG的新Gram Pro笔记本电脑,它们在3个方面表现出色地超过了我的MacBook Air
在一個下午的探索過程中,發現LG Gram Pro 17和2合1筆記本相比MacBook Air的優勢
LG Gram Pro 16 2-in-1:笔记本电脑之轻中的超轻冠军

LG 的最新产品加入 Gram 系列笔记本电脑,正在科技界掀起轰动。声称是“全球最轻的 16 英寸 2合1 笔记本电脑”,LG 诱使专业人士远离苹果的新 M3 MacBook Air。在本文中,我们将探讨 LG Gram Pro 是终极轻巧便携笔记本电脑的关键原因,以及为何您应该考虑入手一台。
1. 数字无法否认
在测试笔记本电脑的轻巧性时,不能仅依赖声称和承诺。因此,我决定对 LG Gram Pro 进行测试。携带一个数字秤和一位同事的 15 英寸 MacBook Air,我称量了两台设备,以查看哪一台会减轻我背部的负担。LG Gram Pro 以仅 3.04 磅的重量胜出,而 MacBook Air 则为 3.51 磅。这可能看起来不是很显著的重量差异,但当您经常随身携带背包里装满电子设备时,每盎司都很重要。
<p macbook="" p="" 值得一提的是,lg="" 的全铝构建相比,可能会感觉稍微廉价,但在重量方面确实有明显差异。
2. 最大化空间利用
LG Gram Pro 的设计完全是为了充分利用每一平方英寸。其边缘的曲度使 LG 能够在两侧安装更多端口,与 MacBook Air 相比。虽然 Air 配备了两个 USB-C 端口和一个 3.5 毫米耳机插孔,但 Gram 通过两个 USB-C 端口、一个 3.5 毫米耳机插孔、两个 USB-A 端口和一个 HDMI 端口超出了这一水平。
作为仍在使用使用 USB-A 端口的传统设备的人,额外端口的存在使 Gram 对我来说成为更好的生产力机器。此外,HDMI 端口在您在外出时想要将笔记本电脑连接到酒店的电视或显示器时非常有用。
3. OLED:改变游戏规则
现在,让我们来谈谈 LG Gram Pro 上令人眼花缭乱的显示屏。虽然 15 英寸 MacBook Air 的 Liquid Retina(IPS)显示屏在工作和娱乐方面可靠,但 LG 通过提供漂亮的 OLED 显示屏选项将其推向另一个水平。作为一个在智能手机、平板电脑和电视上都转向 OLED 的人,我可以告诉您,一旦您体验了 OLED,就再也无法回头。
LG 提供带有 IPS 和 OLED 变体的 Gram Pro,但正是 OLED 真正闪耀。更清晰的视觉效果和更准确的颜色为您的观看体验增添了一抹光彩。在我使用展示机的时间里,黑色壁纸彰显了自发光 OLED 像素的真正潜力,使图标以惊人的光泽跃然眼前。
⭐️ ENBLE 专家建议:更亮的哑光显示屏将是 LG Gram Pro 线的受欢迎改进。抗反射性和增加的尼特对于那些在户外使用笔记本电脑的人来说将产生实际影响。
ENBLE 购买建议:冠军之选
如果您已经被 LG Gram Pro 吸引,这是您需要知道的。OLED 变体售价为 $1,799,包括 16GB 内存(或者如果您预订则为 32GB)和慷慨的 1TB 存储空间。令人惊讶的是,这个价格比类似配置的 15 英寸 MacBook Air 便宜了 $100。
当然,需要进一步测试才能对 Gram Pro 做出最终评估,但基于我的初步印象,LG 的最新产品看起来非常有前途。因此,请密切关注这位轻量级冠军。
🗣️ 问答 – 额外话题
问:LG Gram Pro 适合游戏吗?
A: While the LG Gram Pro is not specifically designed for gaming, its impressive specs, including a 16-inch display and powerful processors, make it capable of handling some games. However, die-hard gamers might prefer dedicated gaming laptops that offer more robust graphics and cooling systems.
Q: Can the LG Gram Pro handle demanding software and applications?
A: Absolutely! With its powerful processors and ample RAM, the LG Gram Pro is more than equipped to handle demanding software and applications. Whether you’re a graphic designer working on complex projects or a video editor editing high-resolution footage, the Gram Pro has what it takes to keep up with your demands.
**Q: Does the LG Gram Pro offer a touchscreen?
A: Yes, the LG Gram Pro 16 2-in-1 model comes with a touchscreen display, providing users with an intuitive and interactive experience. This feature is especially useful when using the laptop in tablet mode or when navigating through touch-enabled applications.
Q: What is the battery life like on the LG Gram Pro?
A: The LG Gram Pro boasts an impressive battery life of up to 22 hours, allowing users to go about their day without worrying about finding a power outlet. Whether you’re working on important tasks or binge-watching your favorite shows, the Gram Pro will keep up with your needs.
The Future of Ultralight Laptops
The competition between laptop manufacturers is fierce, with each company striving to push the boundaries of portability and power. The LG Gram Pro’s record-breaking weight, spacious design, and stunning OLED display demonstrate the innovative advancements in the industry.
As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more impressive developments in the world of ultraportable laptops. From advancements in battery life and processor efficiency to further improvements in display technology, the future is bright (and lightweight) for laptop enthusiasts.
For more information on laptops, including reviews, specifications, and comparisons, check out these helpful links:
- Best 2-in-1 Laptop Deals: Turn Your Laptop into a Tablet
- M3 MacBook Air Review: Apple’s AI Computer for the Masses
- M3 MacBook Air vs. M2 MacBook Air: Which Apple Laptop Should You Buy?
- HP Takes on Alienware with Samsung 4K QDOLED Monitor
- OLED vs. QLED: Which Is Better for You?
- LG’s OLED Gram Pro Laptops Get Better and Faster with OLED Screen
Remember, knowledge is power, and staying informed will help you make the best decisions when searching for your next laptop.
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