GPT-4:终极语言模型体验 💥🤖

虽然ChatGPT很棒,但GPT-4在ChatGPT Plus上每月仅需$20的服务,智能和精确度都大幅提升

ChatGPT Plus值得订阅费用吗?

🖼️ GPT-3.5 vs GPT-4 🖼️



💡GPT-4已经发布一段时间了,作为名为ChatGPT Plus的订阅套餐的一部分提供。每月只需支付20美元,您就可以获得GPT-4令人惊叹的功能,包括准确的回答、AI生成的图像、网页浏览、数据分析以及一系列的GPT-4机器人。就像拥有一个无所不能的超智能伙伴一样!😲


如果你……应该使用ChatGPT Plus



想象一下,您拍了一张冰箱里的食物照片,并向GPT-4寻求食谱建议。瞬间!它会根据它“看到”的食材为您提供美味的建议。此外,ChatGPT Plus用户还可以上传文件供GPT-4分析,这使得它成为数据迷和研究人员的得力助手。最棒的部分是什么呢?GPT-4还可以生成图像,充分利用DALL-E 3的不可思议功能。无需在多个网站之间切换。这太棒了吧?😎


通过ChatGPT Plus的订阅,您可以访问独有的GPT Store和大量的ChatGPT插件。就像秘密宝库中拥有无限奇迹的AI一样。💎💡

GPT Store是一个奇妙的图书馆,里面充满了由GPT-4驱动的定制AI聊天机器人。这些机器人经过特定技能、独特训练和自定义指令的训练。从解决数学问题的数学求解器到金融专家,甚至是为社交媒体创作视频的创作者,您几乎可以找到您需要的任何机器人!可能性是无限的!🚀

除此之外,插件将带领GPT-4的能力提升到更高一级。OpenAI和第三方开发人员创作了插件,与外部应用程序编程接口连接,使ChatGPT-4变得更加智能。无论您是使用Expedia和Kayak旅行插件寻找到温哥华的最佳航班,还是通过Ask Your PDF ChatGPT插件从任何PDF文档中寻求答案,GPT-4都会为您提供帮助!就像拥有一个掌握所有快捷方式的个人助手。📎



<p>Why is GPT-4 so remarkable? Well, it all comes down to the numbers. GPT-4 is a massive model, trained with an astonishing <strong>100 trillion parameters</strong>. To put things into perspective, that’s roughly a billion times more than the number of neurons in an average human brain. 🧠 Talk about supercharged intelligence! This larger model allows GPT-4 to better understand context and nuances, resulting in responses that are more accurate and coherent. It’s like having a walking encyclopedia with a PhD in smooth-talking. 🔥</p><p>GPT-4 also boasts an impressive short-term memory, with the ability to recall around <strong>64,000 words</strong>, which is expected to increase to 128,000 words in the near future. It’s like having a photographic memory on steroids! 📚📖</p><h3 id=”you-want-up-to-date-information”>4. You Want Up-to-Date Information 🌐🆕</h3><p>The free version of ChatGPT might be your go-to buddy for casual conversations, but it lacks one crucial feature: internet access. But fear not, because ChatGPT Plus has got you covered! OpenAI recently integrated a ‘Browse with Bing’ feature into GPT-4, allowing it to access the internet and provide real-time information. 🌐</p><p>Remember when you asked the free version of ChatGPT about the most powerful iPhone? It likely responded with the iPhone 13 Pro Max, the latest model up until late 2021. That’s because it hadn’t been trained on information beyond that timeframe. But with GPT-4, you’ll get the cutting-edge scoop! Ask about the most powerful iPhone, and it’ll bring up the iPhone 15 Pro Max, Apple’s latest and greatest that debuted in September 2023. Now that’s some top-notch clairvoyance! 🔮</p><h2 id=”why-stick-with-free-chatgpt”>Why Stick with Free ChatGPT? 🆓💬</h2><p>After all the hype surrounding ChatGPT Plus and its fancy features, you might wonder if upgrading is worth it. But fear not, my frugal friends, because there are plenty of reasons to stick with the free version of ChatGPT.</p><h3 id=”you-dont-need-the-extra-features”>1. You Don’t Need the Extra Features 🚫🎁</h3><p>Let’s face it; not everyone needs all the bells and whistles. ChatGPT, the free version, is already an impressive AI companion and wildly popular, with <strong>100 million users</strong> in just two months after its release. That’s more friends than most of us will ever have! 🎉</p><p>The free ChatGPT can generate text summaries, stories, jokes, shopping lists, code, letters, schedules, resumes, math solutions—you name it! It’s like having your very own digital Swiss Army knife, minus the subscription fee. And if you’re a fan of talking rather than typing, the ChatGPT mobile app has the Whisper automatic speech recognition system built-in. Just speak out loud, and ChatGPT will respond with a voice as smooth as melted butter. 🗣️🧈</p><p>Unless you’re a data analysis guru or power user, the free version will more than satisfy your AI chatbot cravings.</p><h3 id=”youd-rather-keep-your-wallet-happy”>2. You’d Rather Keep Your Wallet Happy 💸</h3><p>Deciding whether ChatGPT Plus is worth the subscription fee is a personal judgement call. But here’s a neat alternative: Bing Chat! It’s another AI chatbot powered by GPT-4 with DALL-E 3 integration. 🌐</p><p>Bing Chat offers a similar experience to ChatGPT Plus, and the best part is you don’t have to shell out a single dime. While both bots provide different answers—Bing loves to fetch search results and combine them into detailed paragraphs, while ChatGPT generates more organic responses—they both showcase the mind-boggling capabilities of generative AI. It’s like getting a free ticket to the AI circus! 🎪</p><p>So, whether you choose ChatGPT Plus, Bing Chat, or even GPT-3.5, you’re in for an extraordinary AI adventure!</p><h2 id=”the-future-of-ai-language-models-a-promising-journey”>The Future of AI Language Models: A Promising Journey 🌈⏩</h2><p>GPT-4 signifies a major milestone in the world of AI language models, but it’s only a taste of what’s to come. The future is bright, my friends!</p><p>As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more impressive models, larger parameter sizes, and enhanced abilities. It won’t be long before we have AI companions who can do everything from solving complex problems to writing bestselling novels. How cool is that? 😎📚</p>

现在,让我们结束吧,我的科技爱好者们。对于GPT-4,你们有什么想法呢?是对它的功能感到兴奋,还是对免费的ChatGPT感到满足?分享你们的意见,在评论中继续这个对话吧!⌨️💬 别忘了在社交媒体上宣传GPT-4。你的朋友也值得了解这个非凡的语言模型!📢

🔖 引用链接:

  1. OpenAI的GPT-4
  2. 无人配送初创公司Nuro与仿真公司Foretellix合作以降低研发成本 – TechCrunch
  3. 如何使用ChatGPT Plus:从网页浏览到插件
  4. OpenAI发布ChatGPT数据泄漏补丁:问题已完全修复
  5. GPT商店:成为ChatGPT Plus订阅者的最有说服力理由
  6. 克服技术领导者对使用AI的最大担忧的4种方法
  7. Rite Aid禁止使用AI人脸识别技术。原因在这里
  8. Microsoft CoPilot让你通过文本提示创建AI歌曲,但是,是有条件的

🎥 如果你更喜欢视觉效果,可以看这个GIF:


📷 这是一张GPT-4的惊人图片:


